Loïk Mallat

aka loom

I am a 16 year old software developer living
in Montreal, Canada.

I have over 4 years of experience in software development, and I am currently working with typescriptjava and c#

Right now, I am offline


Being a Full-Stack Developer...

Who am I & how did I get here?

Hello there! I'm a full-stack developer with a passion for building software and web applications. With a background in Typescript, Java and C#, I'm currently learning C and C++.

I like to build full-stack applications with scalable and responsive technologies. I'm also a fan of the open-source community and I'm always looking for new ways to improve my skills.





Not in front of my IDE?

You will most likely find me playing Digital Combat Simulator, petting my dog, or reading a Wikipedia article.

I also play tennis and videogames with my friends. I am a ski instructor as well, I can't wait for winter to start so I can restart skiing!